St. Anthony School alter boys

Restored Order of Sacraments of Initiation

As our parish moves forward into this New Year, we will be working toward the Restored Order of Sacraments of Initiation. To accomplish this transition we will be offering instruction through both the parish and school offices of religious education. Several groups will be confirmed this year and they are identified below along with a plan for preparing our children and adults for this wonderful opportunity to be strengthened in the Holy Spirit through the sacrament of Confirmation.

Adults who have not received Confirmation will be able to join a three session small group preparation for the reception of Confirmation on any of the six Sundays of Easter. These adults can then serve as sponsors for the children receiving Confirmation. Note: those adults civilly married who receive confirmation may want to consider Convalidation of their marriage in the Church making them eligible to be Sponsors.

Children in 2nd Grade
Children in 2nd grade will continue their preparation for Eucharist and now Confirmation through their regular religious education classes (either through the parish or school). Our second graders will be the first group to initiate the Restored Order of Sacraments in our Parish by receiving their Confirmation and Eucharist at the Pentecost Vigil Mass on Saturday, May 19th at 5:00 p.m.

Children in 3rd – 8th Grade
Children in these grades who do not attend St Anthony Parish School will receive Confirmation preparation in their Religious Education classes on Sundays. Children attending St. Anthony’s will receive preparation in their school classes. Those in grades 3-8 who have been attending religious education classes or receiving catechism through their catholic school and have attended the family sessions with their parents will be confirmed at the 8:30 a.m. Mass on Pentecost Sunday on May 20th. Note: for those who are not parishioners of St Anthony’s, permission must be given by the home parish for a child to receive the sacrament at St Anthony’s.

High school Classes
Our Confirmation Class, of 34 high school youths, has been meeting regularly and they will continue their confirmation preparations and be confirmed at the 11:00 a.m. Mass on Pentecost Sunday on May 20th.

Families play a major role in the preparation of their children for the sacraments. Through prayer and regular engagement with one another, families will learn how to evangelize and lead in the training of their families to actively participate in lives of worship, stewardship and the proclamation of the Word.

Paralleling the preparations by our parish families for Confirmation is the inauguration of a vibrant comprehensive Youth Ministry for our Middle School and High School under the direction of our newly appointed parishioner Nikki DeWitt.