Mission And Philosophy

Mission Statement

St. Anthony School is committed to nurturing, enriching, and celebrating our students’ spiritual, academic, moral, emotional, and social development. Guided by the catholic teachings, with parents as primary educators, and teachers as facilitators, students will receive a sound Catholic education rooted in Gospel values, centered on the Eucharist, committed to faith formation, academic excellence and service.


St. Anthony School views itself as a small, but integral part of the larger faith community. We hold a firm belief in God, Christ and the Church, the value of the human person and commitment to a mission of service. St. Anthony School recognizes, affirms, and supports the premise that parents are the primary educators of their children. We seek to develop the values that parents have already begun to instill.

St. Anthony School provides a sound Catholic education working toward the spiritual, intellectual, moral, aesthetic, emotional, social, and physical growth of each child. It is also the hope of the parents and school personnel that St. Anthony School students will continue their growth in becoming true Christians and loyal citizens of our nation and world, conscious of their personal obligations toward themselves and others. We believe strongly that parents and school personnel form a partnership so that these goals may be met.

St. Anthony School endeavors to accept each child as he/she is, and to provide opportunities for growth that will promote further development in all areas. While integrity and respect for each child is valued, the student needs to learn that the good of the whole group or class is important. Therefore, St. Anthony School holds that each student has the right to learn and that each teacher has the right to teach. We invite our school’s parents and friends in the community to work with us in mutual support of our mission to teach as Jesus did.